Your name in chinese Tafheem
How is Tafheem written in chinese?
Tafheem in simplified chinese:
Tafheem in traditional chinese:
How to pronounce Tafheem in chinese?
Tafheem transcribed to pinyin:
Pronunciation of Tafheem in chinese:
Picture of the name Tafheem in chinese:
Meaning of Tafheem characters in chinese:
Character | Meaning |
塔 | tower, spire, tall building |
夫 | man, male adult, husband; those |
海 | sea, ocean; maritime |
姆 | nurse, babysitter |
Example sentences that contain Tafheem in chinese:
Tafheem and Malaury are very good friends
Tafheem wants to go to Italy
Tafheem now also in japanese
Now you can also see and hear how to say Tafheem in japanese!
Go to see Tafheem in japaneseOther names in Mandarin Chinese:
Name | Characters |
Jaleah | 贾利亚 |
Candela | 坎德拉 |
Sabera | 萨贝拉 |
Solo Hazlo | 独奏哈兹洛 |
Iliana | 莉安娜 |
Kyani | 基亚尼 |
Rhiarna | 里亚纳 |
Crister | 克里斯特 |
Octaviany | 屋大维尼 |
Alanilei | 阿拉尼莱 |