Your name in chinese Takahara
How is Takahara written in chinese?
Takahara in simplified chinese:
Takahara in traditional chinese:
How to pronounce Takahara in chinese?
Takahara transcribed to pinyin:
Pronunciation of Takahara in chinese:
Picture of the name Takahara in chinese:

Meaning of Takahara characters in chinese:
Character | Meaning |
高 | high, tall; lofty, elevated |
原 | source, origin, beginning |
Example sentences that contain Takahara in chinese:
Takahara's friend has seven books
Takahara has given seven books a Mahidine
Other names in Mandarin Chinese:
Name | Characters |
Geoffray | 杰弗里 |
Helder | 海尔德 |
Raimon | 雷蒙 |
Sonny | 桑尼 |
Williams Myla | 威廉姆斯迈拉 |
Sarah Sofia | 莎拉·索菲亚 |
Dresmar | 德雷斯马尔 |
Yosh | 约什 |
Pasha | 帕夏 |
Harlem | 哈林 |