Your name in chinese Tang Hanoi
How is Tang Hanoi written in chinese?
Tang Hanoi in simplified chinese:
Tang Hanoi in traditional chinese:
How to pronounce Tang Hanoi in chinese?
Tang Hanoi transcribed to pinyin:
Pronunciation of Tang Hanoi in chinese:
Picture of the name Tang Hanoi in chinese:

Meaning of Tang Hanoi characters in chinese:
Character | Meaning |
唐 | Tang dynasty; Chinese |
河 | river; stream; yellow river |
内 | inside |
Example sentences that contain Tang Hanoi in chinese:
Tang Hanoi has given three bikes a Seby
Tang Hanoi and Seby are very good friends
Other names in Mandarin Chinese:
Name | Characters |
Haroun | 哈伦 |
Samantha | 萨曼莎 |
Ixchel | 伊舍尔 |
Marlone | 马龙 |
Avik | 艾维克 |
Tilbe | 蒂尔贝 |
Aysha | 艾莎 |
Edita | 编辑 |
Kisame | 鬼鲛 |
Cuchilla | 库奇拉 |