Your name in chinese Te Amo
How is Te Amo written in chinese?
Te Amo in simplified chinese:
Te Amo in traditional chinese:
How to pronounce Te Amo in chinese?
Te Amo transcribed to pinyin:
Pronunciation of Te Amo in chinese:
Picture of the name Te Amo in chinese:

Meaning of Te Amo characters in chinese:
Character | Meaning |
我 | our, us, i, me, my, we |
爱 | love, be fond of, like |
你 | you, second person pronoun |
Example sentences that contain Te Amo in chinese:
Te Amo has given eight motorcycles a Yariani
Te Amo is studying english
Other names in Mandarin Chinese:
Name | Characters |
Samay | 三美 |
Sylvere | 西尔维尔 |
Zaelynn | 泽林 |
Makos | 马科斯 |
Reus | 雷乌斯 |
Odilia | 奥迪利亚 |
Mayta | 美塔 |
Thailand | 泰国 |
Kinslee | 金斯利 |
Malillany | 马里兰尼 |