Your name in chinese Tellier

How is Tellier written in chinese?

Tellier in simplified chinese:


Tellier in traditional chinese:


How to pronounce Tellier in chinese?

Tellier transcribed to pinyin:

guì yuán

Pronunciation of Tellier in chinese:

Picture of the name Tellier in chinese:

The name Tellier in chinese characters

Meaning of Tellier characters in chinese:

Character Meaning
cabinet, cupboard; shop counter
member; personnel, staff member

Example sentences that contain Tellier in chinese:

Tellier wants to go to Russia


guìyuán xiǎng qù éguó

Tellier is studying russian


guìyuán zhèngzài xuéxí èyǔ

Other names in Mandarin Chinese:

Name Characters
Bianka 比安卡
Nourredine 诺雷丁
Wynter 温特
Camryn 凯姆琳
Pola 波拉
Pheonix 凤凰
Naba 名场
Dangelo 丹吉洛
Evariste 埃瓦里斯特
Rupert 鲁珀特

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