Your name in chinese Thai
How is Thai written in chinese?
Thai in simplified chinese:
Thai in traditional chinese:
How to pronounce Thai in chinese?
Thai transcribed to pinyin:
Pronunciation of Thai in chinese:
Picture of the name Thai in chinese:

Meaning of Thai characters in chinese:
Character | Meaning |
泰 | great, exalted, superior; big |
国 | nation, country, nation-state |
Example sentences that contain Thai in chinese:
Thai wants to go to Peru
Thai's favorite color is black
Other names in Mandarin Chinese:
Name | Characters |
Isdora | 伊斯多拉 |
Nora | 诺拉 |
Ivan Jesus | 伊万·耶稣 |
Apellido Freeman | 阿佩利多·弗里曼 |
Witters | 威特斯 |
Ibrar | 伊布拉 |
Erdinc | 埃尔丁克 |
Fiorentino | 佛罗伦萨 |
Guel | 古尔 |
Stupid | 愚蠢的 |