Your name in chinese Thumma
How is Thumma written in chinese?
Thumma in simplified chinese:
Thumma in traditional chinese:
How to pronounce Thumma in chinese?
Thumma transcribed to pinyin:
Pronunciation of Thumma in chinese:
Picture of the name Thumma in chinese:

Meaning of Thumma characters in chinese:
Character | Meaning |
图 | diagram; chart, map, picture |
玛 | agate; cornelian |
Example sentences that contain Thumma in chinese:
Thumma's friend has nine bikes
Thumma's favorite color is blue
Other names in Mandarin Chinese:
Name | Characters |
Pristina | 普里什蒂纳 |
Abslem | 阿布斯勒姆 |
Hibrahimovic | 伊布拉希莫维奇 |
Colin | 科林 |
Octavie | 奥克塔维 |
Davey | 戴维 |
Tiah | 蒂亚 |
Ruby | 红宝石 |
Odcar | 奥德卡 |
Apex Legends | 顶点传奇 |