Your name in chinese Tine

How is Tine written in chinese?

Tine in simplified chinese:


Tine in traditional chinese:

How to pronounce Tine in chinese?

Tine transcribed to pinyin:


Pronunciation of Tine in chinese:

Picture of the name Tine in chinese:

The name Tine in chinese characters

Meaning of Tine characters in chinese:

Character Meaning
齿 teeth; gears, cogs; age; simplified form of the KangXi radical number 211

Example sentences that contain Tine in chinese:

Tine has given four trees a Omayra


chǐ gěi àomàilā sòngle sì kē shù

Tine wants to go to Japan


chǐ xiǎng qù rìběn

Tine now also in japanese

Now you can also see and hear how to say Tine in japanese!

Japanese flag icon Go to see Tine in japanese
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Other names in Mandarin Chinese:

Name Characters
Fitri 菲特里
Yami 亚美
Marcelino 马塞利诺
Izaya 居屋
Vivians 维维安
Sane 萨内
Opal 蛋白石
Amuka 阿姆卡
Midudev 米杜杰夫
Wfefef 费夫

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