Your name in chinese Tolerance

How is Tolerance written in chinese?

Tolerance in simplified chinese:


Tolerance in traditional chinese:


How to pronounce Tolerance in chinese?

Tolerance transcribed to pinyin:

kuān róng

Pronunciation of Tolerance in chinese:

Picture of the name Tolerance in chinese:

The name Tolerance in chinese characters

Meaning of Tolerance characters in chinese:

Character Meaning
broad, wide; spacious, vast
looks, appearance; figure, form

Example sentences that contain Tolerance in chinese:

Tolerance wants to go to China


kuānróng xiǎng qù zhōngguó

Tolerance's favorite fruit is the pear


kuānróng zuì xǐhuān de shuǐguǒ shì lízi

Other names in Mandarin Chinese:

Name Characters
Moon 月亮
Maria Castillo 玛丽亚·卡斯蒂略
Markella Drakiou 马克拉·德拉基欧
Ikram 伊克拉姆
Arshi 阿尔希
Rhalp 哈尔普
Valentiva 瓦伦蒂瓦
Geovan 乔万
Archly 拱形
Jasim 贾西姆

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