Your name in chinese Tom Cruise

How is Tom Cruise written in chinese?

Tom Cruise in simplified chinese:


Tom Cruise in traditional chinese:


How to pronounce Tom Cruise in chinese?

Tom Cruise transcribed to pinyin:

tāng mǔ kè lǔ sī

Pronunciation of Tom Cruise in chinese:

Picture of the name Tom Cruise in chinese:

The name Tom Cruise in chinese characters

Meaning of Tom Cruise characters in chinese:

Character Meaning
hot water; soup, gravy, broth
nurse, babysitter
gram; overcome; transliteration
foolish, stupid, rash; vulgar
this, thus, such; to lop off; emphatic particle

Example sentences that contain Tom Cruise in chinese:

Tom Cruise's favorite color is pink


tāngmǔkèlǔsī zuì xǐhuān de yánsè shì fěnsè

Tom Cruise wants to go to Argentina


tāngmǔkèlǔsī xiǎng qù āgēntíng

Other names in Mandarin Chinese:

Name Characters
Vicente Jesus 维森特·耶稣
Puspita 普斯皮塔
Zulkifl 祖尔基夫
Bai Lian 白莲
Shajid 沙吉德
Maos 毛斯
Xerin 赛灵
Eusebia 欧西亚
Danays 丹奈斯
Liss 利斯

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