Your name in chinese Topaz

How is Topaz written in chinese?

Topaz in simplified chinese:


Topaz in traditional chinese:


How to pronounce Topaz in chinese?

Topaz transcribed to pinyin:

huáng yù

Pronunciation of Topaz in chinese:

Picture of the name Topaz in chinese:

The name Topaz in chinese characters

Meaning of Topaz characters in chinese:

Character Meaning
yellow; surname
jade, precious stone, gem

Example sentences that contain Topaz in chinese:

Topaz is studying japanese


huángyù zhèngzài xuéxí rìyǔ

Topaz has given six bikes a Christele


huángyù gěi kèlǐsītàiěr sòngle liù liàng zìxíngchē

Other names in Mandarin Chinese:

Name Characters
Angel Andres 安德烈斯
Justis 贾斯蒂斯
Lode 矿脉
Jayson 杰森
Olympia 奥林匹亚
Roan 罗恩
Koleci 科莱奇
Andrea Lee 安德里亚·李
Alucard 阿卢卡德
Nata 娜塔

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