Your name in chinese Toro Negro

How is Toro Negro written in chinese?

Toro Negro in simplified chinese:


Toro Negro in traditional chinese:


How to pronounce Toro Negro in chinese?

Toro Negro transcribed to pinyin:

hēi niú

Pronunciation of Toro Negro in chinese:

Picture of the name Toro Negro in chinese:

The name Toro Negro in chinese characters

Meaning of Toro Negro characters in chinese:

Character Meaning
black; dark; evil, sinister
cow, ox, bull; KangXi radical93

Example sentences that contain Toro Negro in chinese:

Toro Negro and Mehvish are very good friends


hēiniú hé méiwéishén shì fēicháng hǎo de péngyǒu

Toro Negro has given ten cats a Mehvish


hēiniú gěi méiwéishén sòngle shí zhī māo

Other names in Mandarin Chinese:

Name Characters
Hala 哈拉
Marimar 马里马尔
Cuka 库卡
Kody 科迪
Custodio 保管人
Rosesy 玫瑰色
Rider 骑士
Bieshchad 别沙德
Cyprien 西普里安
Evans 埃文斯

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