Your name in chinese Toro Negro
How is Toro Negro written in chinese?
Toro Negro in simplified chinese:
Toro Negro in traditional chinese:
How to pronounce Toro Negro in chinese?
Toro Negro transcribed to pinyin:
Pronunciation of Toro Negro in chinese:
Picture of the name Toro Negro in chinese:

Meaning of Toro Negro characters in chinese:
Character | Meaning |
黑 | black; dark; evil, sinister |
牛 | cow, ox, bull; KangXi radical93 |
Example sentences that contain Toro Negro in chinese:
Toro Negro's friend has seven motorcycles
Toro Negro and Vlado are very good friends
Other names in Mandarin Chinese:
Name | Characters |
Waneel | 瓦尼尔 |
Thunder | 雷 |
Shalondafuller | 莎朗达富勒 |
Tunaruz | 图纳鲁兹 |
Alexine | 亚历克辛 |
Ryah | 赖亚 |
Tysen | 帝森 |
Rose Jacob | 罗斯·雅各布 |
Anes | 安尼斯 |
Bazhe | 八折 |