Your name in chinese Toyakei
How is Toyakei written in chinese?
Toyakei in simplified chinese:
Toyakei in traditional chinese:
How to pronounce Toyakei in chinese?
Toyakei transcribed to pinyin:
Pronunciation of Toyakei in chinese:
Picture of the name Toyakei in chinese:

Meaning of Toyakei characters in chinese:
Character | Meaning |
东 | east, eastern, eastward |
崎 | rough, uneven, jagged, rugged |
Example sentences that contain Toyakei in chinese:
Toyakei and Roxana are very good friends
Toyakei's friend has three watches
Other names in Mandarin Chinese:
Name | Characters |
Claribel | 克莱贝尔 |
Poop | 船尾 |
Gillian Gonzaga | 阿娇冈萨加 |
Alai | 阿来 |
Esperance | 埃斯佩兰斯 |
Mery | 梅里 |
Gavin Murray | 加文·默里 |
Kadin | 卡丁 |
Gabriel Alejandro | 加布里埃尔·亚历山大 |
Aronn | 阿龙 |