Your name in chinese Trinity

How is Trinity written in chinese?

Trinity in simplified chinese:


Trinity in traditional chinese:


How to pronounce Trinity in chinese?

Trinity transcribed to pinyin:

sān wèi yī tǐ

Pronunciation of Trinity in chinese:

Picture of the name Trinity in chinese:

The name Trinity in chinese characters

Meaning of Trinity characters in chinese:

Character Meaning
throne; position, post; rank, status; seat
one; a, an; alone
body; group, class, body, unit; inferior

Example sentences that contain Trinity in chinese:

Trinity has given three trees a Kezaiah


sānwèiyītǐ gěi kǎisā sòngle sān kē shù

Trinity wants to go to China


sānwèiyītǐ xiǎng qù zhōngguó

Trinity now also in japanese

Now you can also see and hear how to say Trinity in japanese!

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Other names in Mandarin Chinese:

Name Characters
Maria Nazaret 玛丽亚·拿撒勒
Thayana 大乘
Bedless Noob 无床菜鸟
Gamil 加米尔
Mazider 马齐德
Sienna 西耶娜
Savana 萨瓦娜
Sayer 赛耶
Hanane 哈哪呢
Gustave 古斯塔夫

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