Your name in chinese Tuoyu

How is Tuoyu written in chinese?

Tuoyu in simplified chinese:


Tuoyu in traditional chinese:


How to pronounce Tuoyu in chinese?

Tuoyu transcribed to pinyin:

tuò yǔ

Pronunciation of Tuoyu in chinese:

Picture of the name Tuoyu in chinese:

The name Tuoyu in chinese characters

Meaning of Tuoyu characters in chinese:

Character Meaning
expand; open up; support or push
house; building, structure; eaves

Example sentences that contain Tuoyu in chinese:

Tuoyu's friend has three cars


tuòyǔ de péngyǒu yǒu sān liàng chē

Tuoyu wants to go to Italy


tuòyǔ xiǎng qù yìdàlì

Other names in Mandarin Chinese:

Name Characters
Hamzose 哈姆佐泽
Libra 天秤座
Atikah 阿提卡
Daksh 达克什
Suiza 水座
Laciel 拉塞尔
Lisset 利塞特
Zunaid 祖奈德
Ashley 阿什利
Prajwal 普拉杰瓦尔

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