Your name in chinese Turandot

How is Turandot written in chinese?

Turandot in simplified chinese:


Turandot in traditional chinese:


How to pronounce Turandot in chinese?

Turandot transcribed to pinyin:

tú lán duǒ

Pronunciation of Turandot in chinese:

Picture of the name Turandot in chinese:

The name Turandot in chinese characters

Meaning of Turandot characters in chinese:

Character Meaning
diagram; chart, map, picture
orchid; elegant, graceful
cluster of flowers; earlobe

Example sentences that contain Turandot in chinese:

Turandot's favorite fruit is the peach


túlánduǒ zuì xǐhuān de shuǐguǒ shì táozi

Turandot's friend has five cars


túlánduǒ de péngyǒu yǒu wǔ liàng chē

Other names in Mandarin Chinese:

Name Characters
Sister 姐姐
Hempiroso 大麻素
Aeron 艾龙
Kacy 凯西
Scruffy 邋遢
Maxandre 麦克桑德雷
Boone 布恩
Demetra 德米特拉
Arpita 阿尔皮塔
Nahyl 纳希尔

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