Your name in chinese Tweppo

How is Tweppo written in chinese?

Tweppo in simplified chinese:


Tweppo in traditional chinese:


How to pronounce Tweppo in chinese?

Tweppo transcribed to pinyin:

tú bō

Pronunciation of Tweppo in chinese:

Picture of the name Tweppo in chinese:

The name Tweppo in chinese characters

Meaning of Tweppo characters in chinese:

Character Meaning
diagram; chart, map, picture
waves, breakers; undulations

Example sentences that contain Tweppo in chinese:

Tweppo wants to go to Japan


túbō xiǎng qù rìběn

Tweppo's favorite fruit is the strawberry


túbō zuì xǐhuān de shuǐguǒ shì cǎoméi

Other names in Mandarin Chinese:

Name Characters
Cyrill 西里尔
Ilaisha 伊莱沙
Maria Gabriela 玛丽亚·加布里埃拉
Haelie 海莉
Percival 珀西瓦尔
Charlie 查理
Albana 阿尔巴纳
Anish 阿尼什
Kaison 凯森
Corin 科林

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