Your name in chinese Tweppo
How is Tweppo written in chinese?
Tweppo in simplified chinese:
Tweppo in traditional chinese:
How to pronounce Tweppo in chinese?
Tweppo transcribed to pinyin:
Pronunciation of Tweppo in chinese:
Picture of the name Tweppo in chinese:

Meaning of Tweppo characters in chinese:
Character | Meaning |
图 | diagram; chart, map, picture |
波 | waves, breakers; undulations |
Example sentences that contain Tweppo in chinese:
Tweppo wants to go to Japan
Tweppo's favorite fruit is the strawberry
Other names in Mandarin Chinese:
Name | Characters |
Cyrill | 西里尔 |
Ilaisha | 伊莱沙 |
Maria Gabriela | 玛丽亚·加布里埃拉 |
Haelie | 海莉 |
Percival | 珀西瓦尔 |
Charlie | 查理 |
Albana | 阿尔巴纳 |
Anish | 阿尼什 |
Kaison | 凯森 |
Corin | 科林 |