Your name in chinese Twi

How is Twi written in chinese?

Twi in simplified chinese:


Twi in traditional chinese:


How to pronounce Twi in chinese?

Twi transcribed to pinyin:

tè wéi

Pronunciation of Twi in chinese:

Picture of the name Twi in chinese:

The name Twi in chinese characters

Meaning of Twi characters in chinese:

Character Meaning
special, unique, distinguished
maintain, preserve, safeguard

Example sentences that contain Twi in chinese:

Twi has given two cars a Maria Neus


tèwéi gěi mǎlìyà·nuòyīsī sòngle liǎng liàng chē

Twi wants to go to Russia


tèwéi xiǎng qù éguó

Other names in Mandarin Chinese:

Name Characters
Juan Agustin 胡安·奥古斯丁
Dannise 丹尼斯
Bates 贝茨
Awa 阿波
Davy 戴维
Migoki 三木
Lanf 兰夫
Aira Nadallag 艾拉·纳达拉格
Akshit 阿什特
Queeny 昆尼

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