Your name in chinese Tya
How is Tya written in chinese?
Tya in simplified chinese:
Tya in traditional chinese:
How to pronounce Tya in chinese?
Tya transcribed to pinyin:
Pronunciation of Tya in chinese:
Picture of the name Tya in chinese:

Meaning of Tya characters in chinese:
Character | Meaning |
泰 | great, exalted, superior; big |
雅 | elegant, graceful, refined |
Example sentences that contain Tya in chinese:
Tya is studying french
Tya's friend has ten trees
Other names in Mandarin Chinese:
Name | Characters |
Bradley | 布拉德利 |
Kingna | 金娜 |
Alis | 阿里斯 |
Ianthe | 伊安特 |
Katalina | 卡塔琳娜 |
Aiesha | 艾莎 |
Mohit | 莫希特 |
Madisen | 麦迪逊 |
Nayelis | 纳耶利斯 |
Pablo Andres | 巴勃罗·安德烈斯 |