Your name in chinese Tyrese
How is Tyrese written in chinese?
Tyrese in simplified chinese:
Tyrese in traditional chinese:
How to pronounce Tyrese in chinese?
Tyrese transcribed to pinyin:
Pronunciation of Tyrese in chinese:
Picture of the name Tyrese in chinese:

Meaning of Tyrese characters in chinese:
Character | Meaning |
轮 | wheel; revolve, turn; recur |
胎 | unborn child, embryo, fetus |
Example sentences that contain Tyrese in chinese:
Tyrese's favorite fruit is the tomato
Tyrese and Dragan are very good friends
Tyrese now also in japanese
Now you can also see and hear how to say Tyrese in japanese!

Other names in Mandarin Chinese:
Name | Characters |
Homer | 荷马 |
Angel Jared | 天使杰瑞德 |
Amaira | 阿米拉 |
Concepcion | 概念 |
Ermal | 埃尔马尔 |
Osmaryuris | 鱼腥草 |
Abdon | 阿布顿 |
Slavea | 奴隶 |
Sheilin | 雪林 |
Hermance | 赫尔曼斯 |