Your name in chinese Un Negro
How is Un Negro written in chinese?
Un Negro in simplified chinese:
Un Negro in traditional chinese:
How to pronounce Un Negro in chinese?
Un Negro transcribed to pinyin:
Pronunciation of Un Negro in chinese:
Picture of the name Un Negro in chinese:

Meaning of Un Negro characters in chinese:
Character | Meaning |
黑 | black; dark; evil, sinister |
人 | man; people; mankind; someone else |
Example sentences that contain Un Negro in chinese:
Un Negro has given three cats a Marie Aimee
Un Negro wants to go to Chile
Other names in Mandarin Chinese:
Name | Characters |
Alai | 阿来 |
Rouss | 罗斯 |
Kurido | 黑户 |
Maida | 麦达 |
Damarion | 达马里翁 |
Mariate | 玛丽亚特 |
Memon | 备忘录 |
Desousa | 德索萨 |
Chaymae | ym属 |
Ynah | 伊娜 |