Your name in chinese Valy
How is Valy written in chinese?
Valy in simplified chinese:
Valy in traditional chinese:
How to pronounce Valy in chinese?
Valy transcribed to pinyin:
Pronunciation of Valy in chinese:
Picture of the name Valy in chinese:

Meaning of Valy characters in chinese:
Character | Meaning |
淡 | weak, watery; insipid, tasteless |
水 | water, liquid, lotion, juice |
河 | river; stream; yellow river |
谷 | valley, gorge, ravine |
Example sentences that contain Valy in chinese:
Valy has given ten houses a Manou
Valy is studying english
Other names in Mandarin Chinese:
Name | Characters |
Kassidy | 卡西迪 |
Panthinee | 潘蒂妮 |
Keith Raquipo | 基思·拉基波 |
Nouba | 努巴 |
Alejo | 阿列霍 |
Giandra | 詹德拉 |
Ebru | 埃布鲁 |
Tymeo | 泰美欧 |
Ishe | 是他 |
Happiness | 幸福 |