Your name in chinese Vanwyk
How is Vanwyk written in chinese?
Vanwyk in simplified chinese:
Vanwyk in traditional chinese:
How to pronounce Vanwyk in chinese?
Vanwyk transcribed to pinyin:
Pronunciation of Vanwyk in chinese:
Picture of the name Vanwyk in chinese:

Meaning of Vanwyk characters in chinese:
Character | Meaning |
万 | ten thousand; innumerable |
维 | maintain, preserve, safeguard |
克 | gram; overcome; transliteration |
Example sentences that contain Vanwyk in chinese:
Vanwyk and Nabila are very good friends
Vanwyk has given three dogs a Nabila
Other names in Mandarin Chinese:
Name | Characters |
Jojo | 乔乔 |
John Salvatierra | 约翰·萨尔瓦蒂拉 |
Olegaria | 奥莱加里亚 |
Deng | 邓 |
Adrianna | 阿德里亚娜 |
Elleana | 埃利亚娜 |
Diu | 丢 |
Yoli | 尤利 |
Mauricia | 毛里西亚 |
Jaz | 爵士 |