Your name in chinese Vash
How is Vash written in chinese?
Vash in simplified chinese:
Vash in traditional chinese:
How to pronounce Vash in chinese?
Vash transcribed to pinyin:
Pronunciation of Vash in chinese:
Picture of the name Vash in chinese:

Meaning of Vash characters in chinese:
Character | Meaning |
瓦 | tile; earthenware pottery; girl |
什 | file of ten soldiers; mixed, miscellaneous |
Example sentences that contain Vash in chinese:
Vash has given ten motorcycles a Nahomy
Vash is studying french
Vash now also in japanese
Now you can also see and hear how to say Vash in japanese!

Other names in Mandarin Chinese:
Name | Characters |
Nikisha | 尼基沙 |
Jamarion | 贾马里翁 |
Romelie | 罗梅莉 |
Donevan | 多尼万 |
Janina Yyen | 贾尼娜·严 |
Cristel | 克里斯特尔 |
Mayar | 玛雅 |
Aidil | 艾迪尔 |
Tang Tyson | 唐泰森 |
Yasar | 亚萨尔 |