Your name in chinese Vercora

How is Vercora written in chinese?

Vercora in simplified chinese:


Vercora in traditional chinese:


How to pronounce Vercora in chinese?

Vercora transcribed to pinyin:

wéi kē lā

Pronunciation of Vercora in chinese:

Picture of the name Vercora in chinese:

The name Vercora in chinese characters

Meaning of Vercora characters in chinese:

Character Meaning
maintain, preserve, safeguard
section, department, science
pull, drag; seize, hold; lengthen

Example sentences that contain Vercora in chinese:

Vercora has given five houses a Wei Liang


wéikēlā gěi wèiliàng sòngle wǔ jiān fángzi

Vercora is studying chinese


wéikēlā zhèngzài xuéxí zhōngwén

Vercora now also in japanese

Now you can also see and hear how to say Vercora in japanese!

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Other names in Mandarin Chinese:

Name Characters
Llanos 平原
Leiann 莱安
Hani 哈尼
Adonnis 阿多尼斯
Kan 菅直人
Victor Jesus 维克多·耶稣
Aure 奥雷
Edan 伊丹
Merl 梅尔

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