Your name in chinese Veruska

How is Veruska written in chinese?

Veruska in simplified chinese:


Veruska in traditional chinese:


How to pronounce Veruska in chinese?

Veruska transcribed to pinyin:

wéi lǔ sī qiǎ

Pronunciation of Veruska in chinese:

Picture of the name Veruska in chinese:

The name Veruska in chinese characters

Meaning of Veruska characters in chinese:

Character Meaning
maintain, preserve, safeguard
foolish, stupid, rash; vulgar
this, thus, such; to lop off; emphatic particle
card, punch card; calorie

Example sentences that contain Veruska in chinese:

Veruska's favorite color is green


wéilǔsīqiǎ zuì xǐhuān de yánsè shì lǜsè

Veruska's favorite fruit is the banana


wéilǔsīqiǎ zuì xǐhuān de shuǐguǒ shì xiāngjiāo

Veruska now also in japanese

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Other names in Mandarin Chinese:

Name Characters
Cayden 凯登
Dayna 戴娜
Orta 奥尔塔
Emilee 艾米莉
Kisakye 喜萨耶
Bronislaw 布罗尼斯拉夫
Ruya 茹雅
Obi Wan 欧比湾
Olfa 奥尔法
Dafina 达菲娜

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