Your name in chinese Virgin

How is Virgin written in chinese?

Virgin in simplified chinese:


Virgin in traditional chinese:


How to pronounce Virgin in chinese?

Virgin transcribed to pinyin:

chǔ nǚ

Pronunciation of Virgin in chinese:

Picture of the name Virgin in chinese:

The name Virgin in chinese characters

Meaning of Virgin characters in chinese:

Character Meaning
place, locale; department
woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38

Example sentences that contain Virgin in chinese:

Virgin's favorite fruit is the handle


chǔnǚ zuì xǐhuān de shuǐguǒ shì mángguǒ

Virgin wants to go to USA


chǔnǚ xiǎng qù měiguó

Other names in Mandarin Chinese:

Name Characters
Morban 莫尔班
Solina 索利纳
Khadija 卡迪亚
Armandy 阿曼迪
Rosalee 罗莎莉
Bates 贝茨
Nabihah 纳比哈
Maria Trinidad 玛丽亚·特立尼达
Ann Cleo 安克莱奥
Eve Marie 夏娃玛丽

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