Your name in chinese Vladimir Putin

How is Vladimir Putin written in chinese?

Vladimir Putin in simplified chinese:


Vladimir Putin in traditional chinese:


How to pronounce Vladimir Putin in chinese?

Vladimir Putin transcribed to pinyin:

fú lā jī mǐ ěr pǔ jīng

Pronunciation of Vladimir Putin in chinese:

Picture of the name Vladimir Putin in chinese:

The name Vladimir Putin in chinese characters

Meaning of Vladimir Putin characters in chinese:

Character Meaning
not, negative
pull, drag; seize, hold; lengthen
foundation, base
hulled or husked uncooked rice
you; that, those; final particle
· Meaning not available
universal, general, widespread
capital city

Example sentences that contain Vladimir Putin in chinese:

Vladimir Putin wants to go to USA


fúlājīmǐěrpǔjīng xiǎng qù měiguó

Vladimir Putin has given seven trees a Anshu


fúlājīmǐěrpǔjīng gěi ānshū sòngle qī kē shù

Vladimir Putin now also in japanese

Now you can also see and hear how to say Vladimir Putin in japanese!

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Other names in Mandarin Chinese:

Name Characters
Jonathan Nieva 乔纳森·涅瓦
Stijn 斯蒂金
Kyzy 克孜
Hayet 海耶
Iraitz 伊拉兹
Jano 亚诺
Amara 阿马拉
Manriquez 曼里克斯
Indian 印度人
Jeampierre 让皮埃尔

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