Your name in chinese Waisuri

How is Waisuri written in chinese?

Waisuri in simplified chinese:


Waisuri in traditional chinese:


How to pronounce Waisuri in chinese?

Waisuri transcribed to pinyin:

huái sū lǐ

Pronunciation of Waisuri in chinese:

Picture of the name Waisuri in chinese:

The name Waisuri in chinese characters

Meaning of Waisuri characters in chinese:

Character Meaning
怀 bosom, breast; carry in bosom
abbreviation for Jiangsu province
unit of distance; village; lane

Example sentences that contain Waisuri in chinese:

Waisuri's friend has ten dogs


huáisūlǐ de péngyǒu yǒu shí zhī gǒu

Waisuri's favorite color is red


huáisūlǐ zuì xǐhuān de yánsè shì hóngsè

Waisuri now also in japanese

Now you can also see and hear how to say Waisuri in japanese!

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Other names in Mandarin Chinese:

Name Characters
Shanelly 沙内利
Lucas Ian 卢卡斯·伊恩
Shasha 莎莎
Mapin 马平
Arwen 阿文
Kelsie 凯尔西
Ghita 吉塔
Jaydee 杰迪
Tlangelani 特兰杰拉尼
Ianis 伊阿尼斯

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