Your name in chinese Wellington
How is Wellington written in chinese?
Wellington in simplified chinese:
Wellington in traditional chinese:
How to pronounce Wellington in chinese?
Wellington transcribed to pinyin:
Pronunciation of Wellington in chinese:
Picture of the name Wellington in chinese:

Meaning of Wellington characters in chinese:
Character | Meaning |
惠 | favor, benefit, confer kindness |
灵 | spirit, soul; spiritual world |
顿 | pause, stop; bow, kowtow; arrange |
Example sentences that contain Wellington in chinese:
Wellington has given ten bikes a Malcom
Wellington's friend has ten bikes
Wellington now also in japanese
Now you can also see and hear how to say Wellington in japanese!

Other names in Mandarin Chinese:
Name | Characters |
Celestin | 塞莱斯汀 |
Harmony | 和谐 |
Ucar | 优车 |
Leocadie | 利奥卡迪 |
Alaya Nirisy | 阿赖耶尼瑞西 |
Jenny Niawati | 珍妮尼亚瓦蒂 |
Raelynn | 雷琳 |
Eya | 艾雅 |
Akuoc | 阿库克 |
Saltedfish | 咸鱼 |