Your name in chinese Wickert

How is Wickert written in chinese?

Wickert in simplified chinese:


Wickert in traditional chinese:


How to pronounce Wickert in chinese?

Wickert transcribed to pinyin:

wéi kè tè

Pronunciation of Wickert in chinese:

Picture of the name Wickert in chinese:

The name Wickert in chinese characters

Meaning of Wickert characters in chinese:

Character Meaning
maintain, preserve, safeguard
gram; overcome; transliteration
special, unique, distinguished

Example sentences that contain Wickert in chinese:

Wickert is studying english


wéikètè zhèngzài xuéxí yīngyǔ

Wickert's friend has five houses


wéikètè de péngyǒu yǒu wǔ jiān fángzi

Wickert now also in japanese

Now you can also see and hear how to say Wickert in japanese!

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Other names in Mandarin Chinese:

Name Characters
Itzayana 伊扎亚娜
Glady 格拉迪
Hasna 哈斯纳
Kadmel 卡德梅尔
Hank 汉克
Malillani 马里拉尼
Zoilo 佐伊洛
Army 军队
Biei 美瑛

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