Your name in chinese Winston Ochoa
How is Winston Ochoa written in chinese?
Winston Ochoa in simplified chinese:
Winston Ochoa in traditional chinese:
How to pronounce Winston Ochoa in chinese?
Winston Ochoa transcribed to pinyin:
Pronunciation of Winston Ochoa in chinese:
Picture of the name Winston Ochoa in chinese:

Meaning of Winston Ochoa characters in chinese:
Character | Meaning |
温 | lukewarm |
斯 | this, thus, such; to lop off; emphatic particle |
顿 | pause, stop; bow, kowtow; arrange |
· | Meaning not available |
奥 | mysterious, obscure, profound |
乔 | tall, lofty; proud, stately |
亚 | Asia; second |
Example sentences that contain Winston Ochoa in chinese:
Winston Ochoa's favorite color is yellow
Winston Ochoa wants to go to Argentina
Other names in Mandarin Chinese:
Name | Characters |
Taraji | 塔拉吉 |
Ailyn Ogren | 艾琳奥格伦 |
Fenny | 芬妮 |
Aghiles | 阿吉莱斯 |
Dinary | 日记 |
Dnaio | 德奈奥 |
Dala | 达拉 |
Mahima Swarupa | 玛希玛·斯瓦鲁巴 |
Santino | 桑蒂诺 |
Bina | 比娜 |