Your name in chinese Wise
How is Wise written in chinese?
Wise in simplified chinese:
Wise in traditional chinese:
How to pronounce Wise in chinese?
Wise transcribed to pinyin:
Pronunciation of Wise in chinese:
Picture of the name Wise in chinese:

Meaning of Wise characters in chinese:
Character | Meaning |
明 | bright, light, brilliant; clear |
智 | wisdom, knowledge, intelligence |
的 | possessive, adjectival suffix |
Example sentences that contain Wise in chinese:
Wise and Jordy Beuving are very good friends
Wise's favorite fruit is the pear
Other names in Mandarin Chinese:
Name | Characters |
Faridah | 法里达 |
Hugh | 休 |
Umai | 乌麦 |
Quaresma | 夸雷斯马 |
Egie | 埃吉 |
Carnala | 卡纳拉 |
Tetiana | 泰蒂安娜 |
Abdulhafeez | 阿卜杜勒哈菲兹 |
Jelle | 耶勒 |
Rorokan | 罗罗坎 |