Your name in chinese Wolgang

How is Wolgang written in chinese?

Wolgang in simplified chinese:


Wolgang in traditional chinese:


How to pronounce Wolgang in chinese?

Wolgang transcribed to pinyin:

wò ěr fū gāng

Pronunciation of Wolgang in chinese:

Picture of the name Wolgang in chinese:

The name Wolgang in chinese characters

Meaning of Wolgang characters in chinese:

Character Meaning
water, irrigate; fertile, rich
you; that, those; final particle
man, male adult, husband; those
ridge or crest of hill

Example sentences that contain Wolgang in chinese:

Wolgang and Nae are very good friends


wòěrfūgāng hé nài shì fēicháng hǎo de péngyǒu

Wolgang wants to go to Chile


wòěrfūgāng xiǎng qù zhìlì

Other names in Mandarin Chinese:

Name Characters
Micheli 米凯利
Spirit 精神
Dinesh 迪内什
Ira 艾拉
Brithany 布列塔尼
Mitamoku 三目
Botond 博通
Jawad 贾瓦德
Life 生活
Higor 海戈尔

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