Your name in chinese Wuxie
How is Wuxie written in chinese?
Wuxie in simplified chinese:
Wuxie in traditional chinese:
How to pronounce Wuxie in chinese?
Wuxie transcribed to pinyin:
Pronunciation of Wuxie in chinese:
Picture of the name Wuxie in chinese:

Meaning of Wuxie characters in chinese:
Character | Meaning |
无 | negative, no, not; KangXi radical 71 |
锡 | tin, stannum; bestow, confer |
Example sentences that contain Wuxie in chinese:
Wuxie has given six dogs a Yanet
Wuxie is studying russian
Other names in Mandarin Chinese:
Name | Characters |
Sandie | 桑迪 |
Greek | 希腊语 |
Juan Cruz | 胡安·克鲁兹 |
Bernadine | 伯纳丁 |
Marget | 玛格特 |
Yota | 尤塔 |
Thayna | 泰纳 |
Kailynn | 凯琳 |
Marconi | 马可尼 |
Seal | 海豹 |