Your name in chinese Xaidu
How is Xaidu written in chinese?
Xaidu in simplified chinese:
Xaidu in traditional chinese:
How to pronounce Xaidu in chinese?
Xaidu transcribed to pinyin:
Pronunciation of Xaidu in chinese:
Picture of the name Xaidu in chinese:

Meaning of Xaidu characters in chinese:
Character | Meaning |
夏 | summer; great, grand, big |
都 | metropolis, capital; all, the whole; elegant, refined |
Example sentences that contain Xaidu in chinese:
Xaidu has given two dogs a Jissel
Xaidu's favorite fruit is the tomato
Xaidu now also in japanese
Now you can also see and hear how to say Xaidu in japanese!

Other names in Mandarin Chinese:
Name | Characters |
Mattheo | 马修 |
Linus | 莱纳斯 |
Joana Maria | 乔安娜·玛丽亚 |
Maria Veronica | 玛丽亚·维罗妮卡 |
Ralphael | 拉阿尔法尔 |
Kavya | 卡维亚 |
Zuberoa | 祖贝罗阿 |
Zoraida | 所来以大 |
Burton | 伯顿 |
Yamawaki | 山胁 |