Your name in chinese Xia Brielle

How is Xia Brielle written in chinese?

Xia Brielle in simplified chinese:


Xia Brielle in traditional chinese:


How to pronounce Xia Brielle in chinese?

Xia Brielle transcribed to pinyin:

xià bù lǐ lè

Pronunciation of Xia Brielle in chinese:

Picture of the name Xia Brielle in chinese:

The name Xia Brielle in chinese characters

Meaning of Xia Brielle characters in chinese:

Character Meaning
summer; great, grand, big
cotton cloth, textiles, linen
unit of distance; village; lane
strangle, tighten

Example sentences that contain Xia Brielle in chinese:

Xia Brielle and Brenden are very good friends


xiàbùlǐlè hé bùlúndēng shì fēicháng hǎo de péngyǒu

Xia Brielle's favorite fruit is the apple


xiàbùlǐlè zuì xǐhuān de shuǐguǒ shì píngguǒ

Other names in Mandarin Chinese:

Name Characters
Eulogio 爱罗给哦
Irwanie 伊尔瓦尼
Swink 眨眼
Edem 艾德姆
Rogers 罗杰斯
Selena 赛琳娜
Glendeline 格伦德林
Rozelin 罗泽林
Elizavet 伊丽莎维
Maria Margarita 玛丽亚·玛格丽特

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