Your name in chinese Xiaoxiang

How is Xiaoxiang written in chinese?

Xiaoxiang in simplified chinese:


Xiaoxiang in traditional chinese:


How to pronounce Xiaoxiang in chinese?

Xiaoxiang transcribed to pinyin:

xiǎo xiáng

Pronunciation of Xiaoxiang in chinese:

Picture of the name Xiaoxiang in chinese:

The name Xiaoxiang in chinese characters

Meaning of Xiaoxiang characters in chinese:

Character Meaning
small, tiny, insignificant
soar, glide, hover; detailed

Example sentences that contain Xiaoxiang in chinese:

Xiaoxiang and Dara are very good friends


xiǎoxiáng hé dálā shì fēicháng hǎo de péngyǒu

Xiaoxiang's friend has two watches


xiǎoxiáng de péngyǒu yǒu liǎng ge shǒubiǎo

Other names in Mandarin Chinese:

Name Characters
Pepitos 辣椒酱
Farah 法拉
Serpil 塞尔皮尔
Dora Alicia 朵拉艾丽西亚
Jaqueline 杰奎琳
Eirill 埃里尔
Lucas 路加
Jhesef 杰瑟夫
Aloise 阿洛伊丝

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