Your name in chinese Xiebo
How is Xiebo written in chinese?
Xiebo in simplified chinese:
Xiebo in traditional chinese:
How to pronounce Xiebo in chinese?
Xiebo transcribed to pinyin:
Pronunciation of Xiebo in chinese:
Picture of the name Xiebo in chinese:

Meaning of Xiebo characters in chinese:
Character | Meaning |
谢 | thank; decline |
波 | waves, breakers; undulations |
Example sentences that contain Xiebo in chinese:
Xiebo and Bai are very good friends
Xiebo wants to go to Chile
Other names in Mandarin Chinese:
Name | Characters |
Lysandre | 莱山德 |
Carlijn | 卡林 |
Callum | 卡勒姆 |
Baithiare | 拜蒂亚雷 |
Kylee | 凯莉 |
Laila Airinna | 莱拉艾琳娜 |
Jose Esteban | 何塞·埃斯特万 |
Christopher | 克里斯托弗 |
Benevolent | 仁慈 |
Lockhart | 洛克哈特 |