Your name in chinese Xifeng

How is Xifeng written in chinese?

Xifeng in simplified chinese:


Xifeng in traditional chinese:


How to pronounce Xifeng in chinese?

Xifeng transcribed to pinyin:

xī fèng

Pronunciation of Xifeng in chinese:

Picture of the name Xifeng in chinese:

The name Xifeng in chinese characters

Meaning of Xifeng characters in chinese:

Character Meaning
西 west(ern); westward, occident
male phoenix; symbol of joy

Example sentences that contain Xifeng in chinese:

Xifeng's friend has six dogs


xīfèng de péngyǒu yǒu liù zhī gǒu

Xifeng wants to go to Mexico


xīfèng xiǎng qù mòxīgē

Xifeng now also in japanese

Now you can also see and hear how to say Xifeng in japanese!

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Other names in Mandarin Chinese:

Name Characters
Nadege 纳德格
Marie France 玛丽·法兰西
Thelio 泰利欧
Africa 非洲
Evalyn 伊瓦琳
Syafawati 夏法瓦蒂
Eloris 埃洛里斯
Lainey 莱尼
Otilia 奥蒂利亚
Soroush 索鲁什

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