Your name in chinese Xueyi

How is Xueyi written in chinese?

Xueyi in simplified chinese:


Xueyi in traditional chinese:


How to pronounce Xueyi in chinese?

Xueyi transcribed to pinyin:

xuě yí

Pronunciation of Xueyi in chinese:

Picture of the name Xueyi in chinese:

The name Xueyi in chinese characters

Meaning of Xueyi characters in chinese:

Character Meaning
snow; wipe away shame, avenge
harmony; pleasure, joy; be glad

Example sentences that contain Xueyi in chinese:

Xueyi wants to go to Russia


xuěyí xiǎng qù éguó

Xueyi's friend has four houses


xuěyí de péngyǒu yǒu sì jiān fángzi

Other names in Mandarin Chinese:

Name Characters
Andres Felipe 安德烈斯·费利佩
Nernnett 内尼特
Nazren 纳兹伦
Daya 大雅
Klaus 克劳斯
Yuning 玉宁
Cavell 卡维尔
Leidenschaft 莱登沙夫特
Jemie 杰米

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