Your name in chinese Yeandra Lee

How is Yeandra Lee written in chinese?

Yeandra Lee in simplified chinese:


Yeandra Lee in traditional chinese:


How to pronounce Yeandra Lee in chinese?

Yeandra Lee transcribed to pinyin:

yè ān dé lā · lǐ

Pronunciation of Yeandra Lee in chinese:

Picture of the name Yeandra Lee in chinese:

The name Yeandra Lee in chinese characters

Meaning of Yeandra Lee characters in chinese:

Character Meaning
to harmonize, to rhyme; to unite; (borrowed for) leaf
peaceful, tranquil, quiet
ethics, morality, virtue
pull, drag; seize, hold; lengthen
· Meaning not available
plum; judge; surname

Example sentences that contain Yeandra Lee in chinese:

Yeandra Lee is studying chinese


yèāndélā·lǐ zhèngzài xuéxí zhōngwén

Yeandra Lee's friend has ten trees


yèāndélā·lǐ de péngyǒu yǒu shí kē shù

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