Your name in chinese Yelith
How is Yelith written in chinese?
Yelith in simplified chinese:
Yelith in traditional chinese:
How to pronounce Yelith in chinese?
Yelith transcribed to pinyin:
Pronunciation of Yelith in chinese:
Picture of the name Yelith in chinese:

Meaning of Yelith characters in chinese:
Character | Meaning |
耶 | used in transliteration |
莉 | white jasmine |
丝 | silk; fine thread; wire; strings |
Example sentences that contain Yelith in chinese:
Yelith wants to go to Japan
Yelith and Alfredo are very good friends
Other names in Mandarin Chinese:
Name | Characters |
Mariane | 玛丽安 |
Diane | 黛安 |
Fletcher | 弗莱彻 |
Rio Nicole | 里约妮可 |
Ares | 战神 |
Irfan Izzuddin | 伊尔凡·伊祖丁 |
Drais | 德拉斯 |
Chef | 厨师 |
Eustache | 尤斯塔什 |
Umi | 海 |