Your name in chinese Yongjin
How is Yongjin written in chinese?
Yongjin in simplified chinese:
Yongjin in traditional chinese:
How to pronounce Yongjin in chinese?
Yongjin transcribed to pinyin:
Pronunciation of Yongjin in chinese:
Picture of the name Yongjin in chinese:

Meaning of Yongjin characters in chinese:
Character | Meaning |
永 | long, perpetual, eternal, forever |
瑾 | brilliance of gems; fine jade |
Example sentences that contain Yongjin in chinese:
Yongjin wants to go to Russia
Yongjin's friend has four cats
Other names in Mandarin Chinese:
Name | Characters |
Afrodita | 阿弗洛迪塔 |
Nayel | 奈尔 |
Brooce | 布鲁斯 |
Michio | 道夫 |
Pangan | 攀岩 |
Tamaulli | 塔毛利 |
Maria Angela | 玛丽亚·安吉拉 |
Zuriñe | 祖里尼 |
Saras | 萨拉斯 |
Milene | 米琳 |