Your name in chinese Yurong
How is Yurong written in chinese?
Yurong in simplified chinese:
Yurong in traditional chinese:
How to pronounce Yurong in chinese?
Yurong transcribed to pinyin:
Pronunciation of Yurong in chinese:
Picture of the name Yurong in chinese:

Meaning of Yurong characters in chinese:
Character | Meaning |
玉 | jade, precious stone, gem |
容 | looks, appearance; figure, form |
Example sentences that contain Yurong in chinese:
Yurong has given eight cats a Enit
Yurong and Enit are very good friends
Yurong now also in japanese
Now you can also see and hear how to say Yurong in japanese!

Other names in Mandarin Chinese:
Name | Characters |
Wie | 魏 |
Gwenola | 格温诺拉 |
Medhy | 梅迪 |
Nuria Esther | 努里亚·埃斯特 |
Iroda | 伊罗德 |
Liana | 藤本植物 |
Theotime | 塞哦提么 |
Ilyahna | 伊利亚娜 |
Martial | 武术 |
Hicham | 希汉姆 |