Your name in chinese Zayel

How is Zayel written in chinese?

Zayel in simplified chinese:


Zayel in traditional chinese:


How to pronounce Zayel in chinese?

Zayel transcribed to pinyin:

zā yé ěr

Pronunciation of Zayel in chinese:

Picture of the name Zayel in chinese:

The name Zayel in chinese characters

Meaning of Zayel characters in chinese:

Character Meaning
pull up; pierce; struggle free
used in transliteration
you; that, those; final particle

Example sentences that contain Zayel in chinese:

Zayel wants to go to France


zāyéěr xiǎng qù fàguó

Zayel's favorite fruit is the tomato


zāyéěr zuì xǐhuān de shuǐguǒ shì fānqié

Other names in Mandarin Chinese:

Name Characters
Pranutha 普拉努塔
Maria Aguila 玛丽亚·阿吉拉
Katya 卡佳
Tania 塔尼亚
Maritza 马里察
Veneranda 维内兰达
Arlet Adaia 阿莱特·阿达亚
Alida 阿丽达
Damla 达姆拉
Kaylee 凯莉

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