Your name in chinese Zhaixiao

How is Zhaixiao written in chinese?

Zhaixiao in simplified chinese:


Zhaixiao in traditional chinese:


How to pronounce Zhaixiao in chinese?

Zhaixiao transcribed to pinyin:

dí xiǎo

Pronunciation of Zhaixiao in chinese:

Picture of the name Zhaixiao in chinese:

The name Zhaixiao in chinese characters

Meaning of Zhaixiao characters in chinese:

Character Meaning
surname; a kind of pheasant; plumes
dawn, daybreak; clear, explicit

Example sentences that contain Zhaixiao in chinese:

Zhaixiao and Ellia Mai are very good friends


díxiǎo hé àilìyà·mài shì fēicháng hǎo de péngyǒu

Zhaixiao has given five trees a Ellia Mai


díxiǎo gěi àilìyà·mài sòngle wǔ kē shù

Other names in Mandarin Chinese:

Name Characters
Franklin Urdaneta 富兰克林·乌达内塔
Franck 弗兰克
Misao Zenko 三尾善子
Bodie 博迪
Marvie 马维
Hamlet 村庄
Nelsen 尼尔森
Aanya 安妮亚
Kujo 九条

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