Your name in chinese Zi Jiun

How is Zi Jiun written in chinese?

Zi Jiun in simplified chinese:


Zi Jiun in traditional chinese:


How to pronounce Zi Jiun in chinese?

Zi Jiun transcribed to pinyin:

zi jūn

Pronunciation of Zi Jiun in chinese:

Picture of the name Zi Jiun in chinese:

The name Zi Jiun in chinese characters

Meaning of Zi Jiun characters in chinese:

Character Meaning
offspring, child; fruit, seed of; 1st terrestrial branch
unit of measure equivalent to thirty catties

Example sentences that contain Zi Jiun in chinese:

Zi Jiun is studying french


zijūn zhèngzài xuéxí fǎwén

Zi Jiun has given ten cars a Oria


zijūn gěi àolǐyà sòngle shí liàng chē

Zi Jiun now also in japanese

Now you can also see and hear how to say Zi Jiun in japanese!

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Other names in Mandarin Chinese:

Name Characters
Melyssa 梅丽莎
Sumei 苏梅
Polly 波莉
Enjelette 恩杰莱特
Evelyne 伊芙琳
Manuel Vicente 曼努埃尔·维森特
Ret 雷特
Finnli 芬利
Tanguy 唐吉

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