Your name in chinese Zyrelle Jane

How is Zyrelle Jane written in chinese?

Zyrelle Jane in simplified chinese:


Zyrelle Jane in traditional chinese:


How to pronounce Zyrelle Jane in chinese?

Zyrelle Jane transcribed to pinyin:

qí ruì ěr jiǎn

Pronunciation of Zyrelle Jane in chinese:

Picture of the name Zyrelle Jane in chinese:

The name Zyrelle Jane in chinese characters

Meaning of Zyrelle Jane characters in chinese:

Character Meaning
even, uniform, of equal length
felicitous omen; auspicious
you; that, those; final particle
· Meaning not available
simple, terse, succinct, a letter

Example sentences that contain Zyrelle Jane in chinese:

Zyrelle Jane's favorite color is green


qíruìěrjiǎn zuì xǐhuān de yánsè shì lǜsè

Zyrelle Jane's friend has three dogs


qíruìěrjiǎn de péngyǒu yǒu sān zhī gǒu

Zyrelle Jane now also in japanese

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Other names in Mandarin Chinese:

Name Characters
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Gurvan 古文
Alis 阿里斯
Melike 梅利克
Jacob 雅各布
Errol 错误
Camporedondo 坎波雷东多

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